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La Piazza Dario

Authentic Italian Food & Vancouver's Best Kept Secret!

Pasta and Pasta Sauces

By July 31, 2015 , , , , , , , ,

What pasta goes with what sauce?!

Did you know that there are ideal pasta noodles for different kinds of sauces? For some, it may be very obvious which kind of pastas are perfect for the many different kind of sauces. We're guessing that for the majority of pasta and Italian food lovers, the perfect combinations of sauce and pasta is not something specifically thought of. All that matters is delicious flavour. We agree.

When you come to La Piazza Dario, you don't need to do the thinking. All you need to do is see which flavours tickle your fancy and Chef Claudio will whip it up for you!

However, if you are curious (or in the mood to make some pasta at home), here's a tasty infographic that that shares the best kind of pastas for different types of sauce...

(Infographic via Nosh On It)

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