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La Piazza Dario

Authentic Italian Food & Vancouver's Best Kept Secret!

Happy New Year from La Piazza Dario!

By January 08, 2015 , , , , , , , ,

Felice Anno Nuovo! Happy New Year!

Welcome to a brand new year! If you're new to our blog, this is a place where we like to share information and stories about Italian food and culture, as well as updates regarding our restaurant, such as promotions and days that we will be closed.

Feel free to explore our past posts via the Blog Archive navigation bar located on the right-hand side or by topics you see listed above this post. With everything from informational videos, inspirational photos and mouthwatering descriptions of our dishes at La Piazza Dario, you're bound to find something you like! We hope you'll continue to visit us throughout the year. :)

Not sure where to start? Here are a few of our favourite past posts...
We hope to see you lots in person at La Piazza Dario this year! Make a reservation online or by calling 604.430.2195.

(Image via Pixabay)

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