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La Piazza Dario

Authentic Italian Food & Vancouver's Best Kept Secret!

Italian Dinner and a Movie Featuring: Il Capitale Umano

By October 15, 2014 , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Make next Tuesday evening an Italian Night with La Piazza Dario and Il Centro!

Join us on October 21st for an Italian dinner before attending this month's Italian movie at Il Centro.

Mark your calendars! Next Tuesday night on October 21st, Il Centro, otherwise known as the Italian Cultural Centre, is putting on an Italian movie night right next door to La Piazza Dario! So, why not make an Italian affair out of the entire evening and combine an Italian dinner with us before you head to the movie at Il Centro!

Join us at La Piazza Dario for an authentic dinner, filled with your favourite Italian dishes, such as antipasti platters and both original and traditional pasta dishes, created by our Head Chef, Claudio Ranallo. Then after you've satisfied your Italian palette, make the short trip next door to the Italian Cultural Centre for this month's Italian movie, Human Capital, or Il Capitale Umano in Italian, a film by Paulo Virvzì.

The movie begins at 7 o'clock, giving you plenty of time to get in an early dinner before it's showtime. Il Capitale Umano is just under two hours long and admission is free!

Book your reservation for dinner now via telephone at 604.430.2195 or online at OpenTable.

Find more info on the movie.

(Image via Pixabay)

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