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La Piazza Dario

Authentic Italian Food & Vancouver's Best Kept Secret!

Felice Anno Nuovo!

By December 30, 2013 , , , , , , , , , ,

Felice Anno Nuovo! 
A very Happy New Year from all of us at La Piazza Dario!

It's almost 2014. Can you believe it?! Well we've got a fabulous idea! Treat yourself to a delicious Italian meal before the year is done or begin the new year with a tasty culinary bang!

Chef Claudio's kitchen mastery is something you and the whole family can enjoy! There's a dish for everyone: seafood lovers, meat lovers and vegetarians, big appetites and little eaters will find something for them on the menu!

And let's not forget that extensive wine list! Ring in the new year with a splash and whet your whistle with family!

Let us tempt you with our menus! Buon Natale, Felice Anno Nuovo and hope to see you soon!

(Image via Pexels)

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