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In the News: Italy's Smallest House

By August 21, 2013 , , , , , , , , ,

Would you stay in a 75 square foot living space if it was just a stone's throw away from some of Rome's most famous locations?

Last week Business Insider published a story on an architecturally stunning 75 square foot house, a living space that they are referring to as the "smallest house in Italy." Built by architect and designer, Marco Pierazzi, and located within walking distance to famous landmarks in Rome such as the Pantheon and Saint Peter's Square, the space had previously been a rundown alleyway house with only one room. Presumably seeing the value in its location, Pierazzi fixed up the one-room space, which now functions as a kitchen, bathroom, dining room, bedroom and living room, all of which are fully operational. Pictured above is the view from the top of the apartment.

With the birth of their child, Pierazzi and his wife moved out, however, they still own the space and rent it out to friends and visitors of Italy. Learn more about Italy's smallest house and take the tour!

Would you ever consider staying in Italy's Smallest House when visiting Italy? Share with us in the comments below.

(Image via Pixabay)

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