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La Piazza Dario

Authentic Italian Food & Vancouver's Best Kept Secret!

Spotlight: Vernazza

By September 09, 2015 , , , , , , , ,

Italy is full of beautiful escapes and charming towns. One such place is Vernazza, the gem of Italy's Cinque Terre.

This little hillside town features colourful pink, yellow and green buildings and one main street that connects the train station to the coast down below. Surrounding these charming buildings are terraced hillsides that flourish with grape vines and olive trees. Even more incredible is that this town does not have cars except for once a week when the mobile market rolls in.

Home to approximately six hundred residents, you'll find amazing characters in the locals. This is Italian small town authenticity you'd be hard pressed to find anywhere else in the world! Except perhaps of course, in the La Piazza Dario kitchens. You will mostly definitely discover authentic Italian flavours!

Enjoy a peek of life at the enchanting Vernazza and join us for dinner to satisfy your Italian cravings!

(Image via Pixabay)

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