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La Piazza Dario

Authentic Italian Food & Vancouver's Best Kept Secret!

Happy Father's Day!

By June 19, 2015 , , , , , , , ,

Happy Father's Day to all the Papa's this weekend!

Treat your father to a delicious evening of tasty Italian fare this weekend. After all, it's his day! Of course, you don't need the excuse of Father's Day to give him those extra hugs and visit La Piazza Dario!

Chef Claudio (also a papa) knows his way around the kitchen and uses only the freshest ingredients that will make your Father's Day dinner incredibly tasty. Here are three easy steps to celebrating a truly wonderful and tasty Sunday with your beloved fathers this weekend:
  1. Call La Piazza Dario and make your reservations.
  2. Keep it a surprise. Surprises as tasty as this one are always a delight!
  3. Get him a card and give him a big bear hug.
We hope to see you this weekend and looking forward to celebrating with you! Check out the menu here.

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