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La Piazza Dario

Authentic Italian Food & Vancouver's Best Kept Secret!

Making Mealtime Magic!

By July 18, 2014 , , , , , , , , , , ,

Make your mealtime extra magical by pairing the mouthwatering flavours of Italy with the perfect wine!

Pasta, carne, pesce, ensalata… There is a myriad of dishes that make up Italian cuisine and each and every region fills them with their own unique flavours. Along with the vast variety of flavours, you have many different kinds of wine to choose from to create that perfect, magical mealtime pairing!

But which one do you choose?

Today's infographic holds the answer to this question. You'll be able to discover exactly which type of food and flavour profile is perfectly complimented by your glass of vino!

So explore and learn and then come and visit us and we can whip up the magic for you as you sit back, relax and enjoy the aromas and charm of La Piazza Dario!

Pairing Food and Wine Flavors for Mealtime Magic

(Infographic via Visually)

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