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La Piazza Dario

Authentic Italian Food & Vancouver's Best Kept Secret!

Musica: Fred Buscaglione

By October 09, 2013 , , , , , , , , , ,

Get in the mood for Italian food with Fred Buscaglione!

Press play and close your eyes. Imagine you are sitting in an adorable Italian cafe, sipping on a rich espresso, or perhaps a glass of rich red wine. There's a hum in the air of musical Italian voices, glasses clinking, forks and knives tapping plates as they cut into delicious pastas and carne (meat). There's a scent flowers from apartment balconies and the sound the pigeons strutting on cobblestones in the sunshine...

Now open your eyes. Don't be too disappointed that you are still in your living room or kitchen. Let us help you experience the tastiest part of that vision. 

Il mio braccio ti daro e con me ti portero. I'll give you my arm and I'm taking you with me... to La Piazza Dario's for a delicious, mouthwatering Italian experience!

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