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La Piazza Dario

Authentic Italian Food & Vancouver's Best Kept Secret!

Muah! Pasta Fresca!

By May 01, 2013 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Hats off to Chef Claudio Ranallo: This fresh pasta is delizioso!

If you've had the pleasure of eating fresh pasta, the odds are that you noticed the difference, upon tasting your first bite, between the delightful dish you were diving into and everyday, store bought pasta.

The difference between fresh, authentic Italian pasta and the "other kind" is clear. And generally, once you go fresca, you never want to go back. At La Piazza Dario, our pastas are made fresh, every day so that you can experience a little bit of Italian heaven with every bite.

You would never want to eat stale bread, so why settle for anything less with your pasta! Join us for dinner at La Piazza Dario and we promise that Chef Ranallo's pasta dishes won't disappoint.

Discover what's on the menu!

(Image via Pixabay)

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