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La Piazza Dario

Authentic Italian Food & Vancouver's Best Kept Secret!

World Pasta Day

By October 02, 2014 , , , , , , , , , , , ,

On October 25th, come celebrate World Pasta Day with La Piazza Dario!

October is a wonderful time of year to indulge in your favourite Italian dishes. All at once hearty, comforting and delicious, a good plate of pasta can warm you up even on the coldest fall day. Which is why it makes so much sense that World Pasta Day is celebrated during this transitional month between summer and autumn! It's a little something to look forward too as the warm weather fades away and we begin to remember what it's like to feel chilly.

This year, World Pasta Day falls on Saturday October 25th; an ideal night to take a break from your kitchen and join us for a plate or two of Chef Claudio Ranallo's authentic, mouthwatering pasta. So, at the end of this month if you're in Vancouver, we hope that you will come celebrate the weekend and World Pasta Day with us at La Piazza Dario!

Have a look what's on the menu!

Book your reservation now online at OpenTable or by calling 604.430.2195.

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