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La Piazza Dario

Authentic Italian Food & Vancouver's Best Kept Secret!

World Pasta Day 2015

By October 13, 2015 , , , , , , , , ,

October 25th is World Pasta Day! Come celebrate with us at La Piazza Dario.

The month of October brings about many wonderful festivities and celebrations. Which means, having just celebrated the first official holiday of the fall season last weekend for Thanksgiving, there are still plenty of events to look forward to this month!

Among these events is the internationally recognized World Pasta Day. Celebrated every year on October 25th, World Pasta Day is held in honour of pasta, helping to spread the word on its nutritional values. In Milan, World Pasta Day will be held in conjunction with Expo Milano 2015, and will be followed by World Pasta Congress on October 26th and 27th, which occurs every five years. Both World Pasta Day and Congress will take inspiration from the theme of this year's Expo: "Feeding the planet, energy for life."

Learn more about Milan's World Pasta Day and Congress.

In honour of World Pasta Day, we warmly welcome you to our table to celebrate this delicious Italian specialty. La Piazza Dario is proud to offer an incredible selection of different pasta dishes, all handmade by Chef Claudio Ranallo!

Discover the many La Piazza Dario pasta dishes on our menu!

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  1. Actual pasta names v/s what we call them in our head. Go on, order some pasta @
